
De MobileCells

Printer cartridges are generally used at home and at work, but stains resulting from a leaking cartridge may be difficult to remove from clothing and carpets. Here are a few thoroughly tested options for remove ink stains due to printer cartridges.

Carpet Stains: The main thing to remember when treating any type of stain is to approach it as soon as possible. If an ink stain is allowed to dry, it will be much harder to remove. If there is lots of ink on the carpet, the residue should really be scraped away removing ink stains manually before treating the stain. A bit of cardboard or perhaps a plastic ruler is ideal for this. The area should then be treated with rubbing alcohol, if this is available. The alcohol should first be applied to a cloth or towel after which the stained area of carpet ought to be gently dabbed with the cloth to dissolve the blemish. The area should always be dabbed, instead of rubbed, as the motion of rubbing will spread further.

When there is no rubbing alcohol available, a combination of carpet-safe detergent and water could be applied to the location, utilizing the same method as described above. Washing up liquid or soap is ideal, since it is unlikely to damage the carpet. The area ought to be dabbed until no longer ink is coming away on the cloth. Then, a clean towel, cloth or paper towel must be used to blot the location dry, continuing with new towels if ink is still taken from the carpet.