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Recently I was invited to talk at our local senior high school in their "Great American Teach-in," an application held in Florida whereby guests are required to talk to the students on a variety of subjects. Among my offer related articles caught the eye of your local teacher and i also was subsequently asked from the Business/IT Department in the future in to develop remarks regarding business and technology. My talk was entitled "Our Changing Times" which discussed how technology affects us as human-beings. It turned out my argument that technology has a bad impact on our mental acuity and productivity in this country. I conducted two consecutive classes of around 50 high school juniors each. Both sessions were interesting.

I started having a very brief description of my company and our Noticias de Tecnología for system design, database design, enterprise engineering, and project management. Basically, I wanted to ascertain myself being a credible businessman who had extensive experience in the business enterprise and yes it world. I then reviewed the cultural and technical changes I witnessed over the last Four decades. I even brought in some old mainframe magnetic tapes, printer wheels, and plastic templates employed for flowcharting.

Then i discussed how Tecnologia affects us as humans. It is my contention that technology has conditioned us to get intolerant of inefficiencies and limitations thereby causing us to consider faster, virtually, and multitask. Think it over; unfortunately we cannot like to stand it traffic, we'd like information at our fingertips, we expect to be able to hear any song or watch any movie whenever we're inside mood, we should get in and out of hospitals, we'd like instant food, instant pictures, instant credit, instant money, instant everything. We drive faster and talk faster because we're conditioned to take action.

As one example of the actual, I quoted some references; first, Dr. Mack R. Hicks, author of "The Digital Pandemic," who demonstrated how technology alters the minds of impressionable youth. A case in point, they begin to exhibit exactly the same robotic mannerisms in the technology they'll use which isn't conducive for grooming socialization skills. Hicks basically argued that technology is really a genuine threat to the human spirit.

I next referenced the job of Dr. Glenn Wilson, a psychiatrist at King's College London University, who in 2005 was hired by Hewlett Packard to look into the effect of technology at work. During his study he found out that workers distracted on the phone calls, e-mails and text messages suffer a larger lack of IQ than if they'd smoked marijuana. The IQ of people juggling messages and work fell by an average of 10 points - equal to missing an entirely night's sleep and most double the four-point fall seen after smoking pot. The drop in IQ being more that face men.

These studies surprised the students. To fret the point further, Gurus the kids the way they received their news. From 100 students, only 4 read a newspaper, a couple of started using it from an app on his or her iPhone and virtually none watched the evening news. Interestingly, a number said they got their news from Jon Stewart on "Comedy Central." Naturally, I ran across it rather disturbing that students lost of touch using the world's ever-changing events and considered Jon Stewart a credible source for unbiased journalism. Whereas adults are generally upset with politicians, the economy, jobs, military conflicts, etc., our young adults are rather apathetic. I do not believe parents even talk to them round the table, that i found rather disturbing. Fortunately, this specific band of students will not be of sufficient age to vote in the 2012 election; in case they did, I'm confident they could be easily swayed.

As students in the late 1960's we obviously was lacking all the elegant technology out of the box available today, but all of us knew the thing that was going on in the world. Everyone read the daily newspaper and weekly news magazines, watched nightly news, followed radio, and discussed it over lunch or with their parents. We all knew concerning the War (Viet Nam), the protests, major accidents and catastrophes, elections, the various assassinations, etc. Should you didn't remain on the surface of recent events, you're considered a dullard. Not so today. In fact, I obtained the uneasy feeling that you're an oddity should you keep to the news today.

Looking to understand their reliance on technology, Industry experts the High Schoolers if they could do without their smartphones. All except one said they reckoned they may manage. Normally the one exception wouldn't budge, even if I pushed her to defend her position. In her own mind, the telephone was her lifeline to her friends and social life. Without one, she was lost.

Inside summary section of my presentation I admonished the scholars to develop a feeling of history, not simply American history, but history regarding their chosen profession. I said excitedly this became needed so they really wouldn't commit the identical mistakes we made and realize why we made certain decisions over time. I challenged these to resist the temptation to be on "automatic," to prevent repetition; avoid stagnation; to question things as they are, and merely THINK (an old IBM expression) Características del iPad 3.

I not really know how successful I was at getting my points across. Some students looked as apathetic as many adult programmers I have taught through the years. The teachers did actually appreciate my presentation and informed me so. I also a few students thank me for that presentation afterward, shook my hand, and asked a couple of questions. I don't think I batted 1.000 using the kids tomorrow, but if I acquired them to at least start contemplating things, i then believe I made a hit.