Acid Reflux Remedies

De MobileCells

When liquid contents and acids from the stomach, move into the esophagus inflicting damage to the esophagus lining, it is termed as Acid Reflux. This makes acid reflux remedies, a requirement. These remedies entail different natural substances that can be prepared and used at home in order to cure and alleviate the harmful effects of this disorder. Listed below are few remedies:-

Apple and Vinegar Cider

If there is one effective natural remedy for acid reflux, it's apple cider vinegar. Being a balanced source of nutrients and minerals makes it good at curing this problem. Organic apple cider vinegar is often opted for its rich brown tinge, fondly referred to as the mother. One must always consider that, it is the brown tinge that really aids in curing acid reflux, by aiding with digestion and soothing stomach. Water is combined with apple cider vinegar and the mixture has to be consumed before meals, so it can ensure acids that cause acid reflux are taken care of. According to those in the know, having this thrice a day helps in curbing and eradicating acid reflux.

Acid Reflux Remedies and Baking Soda

Baking soda is one other common home remedy for treating acid reflux. Being alkaline, baking soda neutralizes the acids and ensure they don't regurgitate into the esophagus. For consuming, a teaspoon of baking soda could be mixed in a glass of water. Baking soda can be quite bitter every now and then, so when dissolving, it is advisable to check if all the crystals are dissolved. Adding a spoon of honey makes it more desirable. Although this is a good aid for acid reflux, it does have its own side effects. Yes, it can increase stomach gas leading to belching.

Aloe Vera as a Home Remedy for Acid Reflux

One additional natural remedy for acid reflux is Aloe Vera. Aloe vera aids with digestion and being alkaline in nature, it neutralizes the acids in the stomach. Thus, it gives relief from acid reflux. Aloe vera juice or aloe vera latex capsules can be used. Capsules must be taken thrice daily, with plenty of water. The juice in its original form, if taken would not taste so well hence need to mix it with various other juices like grape juice or apple juice in order for it to taste better.

Ginger Tea

Another common and handy acid reflux aid is ginger tea. It has been utilized for centuries as a curing aid for infinite diseases. Ginger tea not only aids with digestion, but in addition helps with neutralization of stomach acids, thus avoids bouts of acid reflux. Boiling fresh ginger in water for about 10 - 20 minutes and then drinking it will work. The potency of ginger tea can be increased when it is taken regularly for example 2-3 times a day.


We all drink plenty of water when thirsty and do not realize that it has several benefits. Water is out there almost always. Having a glass of water when acid reflux discomforts appear, is enough to handle it instantly. That way, it serves dual purpose. The first one is enhancing digestion and the next one, reducing the concentration of stomach acids.

Saliva as an Acid Reflux Remedy

Saliva is another effective acid reflux remedy, since it is alkaline by nature. However, saliva isn't produced in huge volumes. It is a good idea to chew a gum, to boost saliva production. When saliva reaches one's stomach, acids are neutralized and there is significant relief.

See acid reflux remedies for more tips and therapies for symptoms of acid reflux and treatments.

Courtesy of Home Remedies Log