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If You Want Healthy Plants, Here's What It Takes

There are people who are convinced that it's not easy to grow plants; however, they just don't know the facts. Most plants can put up with some neglect and are actually quite hardy. However, if you want your plants to be healthy over time, you do have to find out what they require and give them the amount of sun, water and space that's right for them. Take the following suggestions to heart and your plants will thank you and flourish.

Your soil is on the top of your list of things to learn more about. Without the correct soil, you will not have a lot of success growing healthy plants. Not all plants thrive in the same soil configuration. Many plants prefer their soil to be somewhat acidic, while other thrive better in an alkaline environment. You can either plan your garden around the soil you already have, or you can alter your soil so it's good for the type of plants you want to grow. If you prefer to grow most of your plants in containers, such as 1/2 wine barrels, pots and planters, or even small raised beds, you can simply buy bags of soil pre-mixed for each type of plant. It's not difficult to get your soil tested if you plan to have your garden outdoors. Then, depending on which plants you are going to grow, you can add the necessary nutrients to make it a healthy environment for your garden. A good way to get your outdoors garden off to a healthy start, is to seed the plants in small peat pots and let them sprout indoors in a more benevolent environment. You get a head-start on the planting season by doing this and, when the conditions are proper, you can transplant the plants outside into your garden. This is especially easy if you use peat pots because you can plant the pots right along with the plants. If you grow your seedlings indoors, there's less chance that they will get caught outside in a surprise freeze or some bad weather, and not survive. Also, they are less likely to become victims of bugs and insects that like tender young shoots. When the weather has turned warmer, and the seedlings are strong, then you can transplant them into your regular garden. You can use this method to get a head start on many different types of plants - flowers, herbs, and vegetables. Nevertheless, you still have to keep in mind the light and water requirements of each plant, even if you are starting the seedlings indoors.

Herbs can be one of the first indoor gardens a person chooses to grow as they are becoming increasingly popular. Herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow inside - the windowsill is a great place - and they can be for medicinal or culinary uses. Herbs may be among the easiest plants to grow, but you still have to pay attention to their space requirements, lighting, and watering needs. Read up on the different herbs and pick those that are hardy for your region and that you enjoy cooking with. One thing that helps with an indoor herb garden is keeping up good air circulation, either by having windows open or a fan nearby. Not only will this help them to be healthier, it will discourage pests from making a home among the leaves of the herbs.

Just about everybody can grow plants successfully if they learn a little bit about the plants and take good care of them. After you have decided to buy some plants, research the ones you are interested in to make sure you can meet its space, light, and watering requirements. If you're unsure about anything, there are plenty of places you can go for reliable information. Gardening is such a diverse subject that it would be easy to get immersed in it and study for years all the variables. Unfortunately, this article just gives you a few tips to get you started in the right direction.

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