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Medieval weapons of destruction were ruthless, so heavy protection in battle was important. A suit of armor made it possible to survive in combat. Knights particularly needed the protection, because they were often called to battle with little notice. Chain armor was made from tens of thousands of small metal rings Paranormal Centralthat were interwoven together and covered the wearer from check out toe. This particular armor was reserved for the knights and front line warriors, as metal was expensive and in short supply. Even though difficult to put on and remove, it afforded easy movement in battle. The largest drawback was the possibility of a sharp arrow or spear hitting among the gaps in the metal.

The armor used by all the peasants and workers was less durable, manufactured from tough leather and plenty of cloth for padding. It could not have afforded exactly the same protection as metal, however it was still quite effective and much easier to obtain.

In the later 13th century, plate armor was created. Initially the plate True Ghost Taleswas added to the chest of chain armor to add further protection. By the 14th century, whole suits of armor were produced from plate metal which didn't have the gaps that the chain did. Typically the most popular image of the medieval knight was born from this particular armor. When I was 10 years old (a year ago) My mom bought a Ouija board for me personally. She bought one because I was so into the paranormal that I needed a Ouija board. Exactly the same day my cousin from Tennessee stumbled on visit. That night she and I began playing it.

We sat there and first I said is there a spirit here today plus it moved to yes. She said what gender also it said girl. I asked it how old and it moved to 6 or 7. Then we asked her name plus it said Amanda. I asked how it died and it moved to fire. But then we asked why she was here and she didn't reply, she alternatively moved to goodbye.

Then my Aunt and mom started having fun with it several nights later. It was not a little girl. when they asked questions it said very rude and disturbing things. It was a demonic presenceAwesome Halloween Costumes for Kids that was not the little girl my cousin and I were speaking to before.

The Ouija board had introduced a demonic presence that didn't enjoy speaking with us. But they stopped speaking with the presence as it was so terrifying which they had to stop. I haven't played the Ouija board since that time. To this day I still own it. As i type this it sits in my room awaiting its next victim.