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Easy Ways To Improve Your Article Writing Abilities
Most online marketers who write their own content may not ever stop and think what they can learn from copywriting. Since there have been so many terrible products and scams promoted using online sales letters, some haughty content writers are above using copywriting. That's all fine and good, but those who are smart will learn and then adapt and become more effective at what they do. Avoid making judgments about things you know nothing about, and here are some copywriting devices you may want to consider.
One of the real and time-tested insider secrets to helping your articles get syndicated from article directories is to make them longer. In addition to increased length, they must be a cut above the rest in terms of quality. Whether you are using the library, or some type of online resource, the better the information, the better the quality of your articles. The right length of an article is about 750 words to 1200 words in most cases. You need to have about 1000 words. This is about average for most articles in any niche. Once your articles are syndicated by a website, you should contact the webmasters and see if you can write more articles for them on a regular basis.
The verbs you include in your bullet points should be action verbs. Since you are writing your own, you should be able to construct all of your bullets so that the action verbs are within the first one or two words. That creates an easy to see pattern which can create an upbeat and rhythmic tempo for the person reading it. People will scan your bullets and the faster tempo can help to liven things up a little bit. So using them at some point within the middle of your article (or in the middle of your blog post) will help you keep your readers from feeling stale or even bored as they read.
Copywriting is full of different "devices" (also known as tricks). There's no real magic or deception here--everything is out in the open. They can read a sales letter a thousand times if they want, and that is something you would want them to do if they are not going to buy right away.
One way of getting their attention is by addressing the most obvious questions and concerns that you know they are going to have. All services and products have questions that you know people are going to want to have answered. So just talk about those things in your copy--as subtly as you can. Actually, there are many more things you can borrow from copywriting, but that is up to you if you want to do the work. One useful and general purpose guideline with copywriting is to use in moderation and only when most applicable. Also, never do anything that makes one piece of content look like the other you have written. All writing takes time and practice in order for you to become proficient with using and doing it. You will not become a solid writer overnight, so just go with the flow of things and write.