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Renewing Your Nearly Forgotten Blog

You can certainly related to this situation. A person launches a blog. In the beginning, the blog is updated regularly -perhaps even daily- but, over time, the blogger loses interest and focuses on other matters. In some cases, the blog owner believes that it's enough to only update the blog once in a while. Some marketers also work at so many different tasks that it's easy to forget about one of their blogs. Whatever the reason, it is possible to bring a blog back to life. As we'll see in this article, it's not very hard to bring a neglected blog back into the limelight.

Redesigning your blog can make a big difference. It's like redecorating a room in your home, whether by changing the carpets, painting or maybe just moving items around. Suddenly the room is fun to spend time in again. Blogs, like homes, can benefit from changes. It's not that hard to overhaul your blog's design. Putting up a new design and cleaning out the old clutter from your sidebars and your code can give you some fresh perspective on why you started blogging in the first place. When you enjoy looking at your blog you'll want to spend more time building it. When people visit your blog, they'll also notice the difference.

How do you really feel about your blog? Are the excuses you've made for not working on your blog the real reasons for this? Or do you no longer have any real interest in this blog for one reason or another? If it's the latter, you should probably put a formal end to your blog. A blog that is never touched or looked at is not profitable or helpful in any manner.

It will only do damage to your online image if people ever come across your neglected blog. Why not shut it down and bundle the best posts up in an eBook to sell for extra income instead?

Get a mentor to help you. When you find this mentor, you don't need to let them know that they are mentoring you. You simply need to pay attention to what they are doing and use this to help you when you write. Read their posts - all of them! So if you have a dying blog, or one that is actually dead, consider your own reactions while reading their blog to improve your own. They will also revitalize your blog and make your readers happy. You simply need to watch what they do, and when you can't figure out what you're doing, copied their efforts with your own unique twist. Sometimes you can contact the mentor and work with them directly which can be very helpful.

Blogging isn't hard, but it takes regular effort and a blog that's ignored for too long will be practically invisible. But if you decide that you want your blog to become important once more, there are definite ways to bring this about. We all hit a wall from time to time when we need a break or when we get busy. As long as you resolve to be consistent in the future, you can still make your blog great and popular. The above are some effective ways to get started.

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