
De MobileCells

Impotence problems is well known in lay terminology as impotence and relates to the shortcoming to achieve and maintain sufficient penile erection which can suitably perform the function of penetration and ejaculation. Erectile dysfunction can be because of various causes, a number of which can be functional and temporary, while others may be organic and of more serious nature.

Anxiety, apprehension, stress, fears, physical and emotional fatigue fitness and side effects from medication could cause temporary impotence problems. Rest, simple counseling, and explanation of the normal anatomy and physiology of penile erection usually suffice to acceptably treat such causes. More serious and organic factors behind erectile dysfunction include high blood pressure, raised chlesterol levels, heart disease, diabetes, metabolic and neurological disorders, hormonal problems, dysfunction due to trauma and accidents, physical causes like inadequate the flow of blood to the penis or venous leakage, so that as a natural means of ageing. These basic causes must be treated specifically so as to produce an improvement in impotence problems and perhaps cure it click here.