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What You Should Know Before Purchasing Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights are very popular throughout the Christmas season because it gives life to our Christmas decors. They come in different types and prices. So here are some ideas in buying the best possible Christmas lights for your home at an affordable price.

Compute the space where the Christmas Lights will probably be used.

You have to measure the precise length of the area where you'll put the lights then add a few inches based on where your power outlet is located. So in case you are planning to hang them outside your own home, determine the length of your home and the distance to the power outlet.

However, if you plan to place the Christmas Lights on your Christmas tree, you can use a tape measure to find out the precise length of the Christmas lights that you will need to buy.

Find out how many strands of Christmas lights you need.

This will depend on your measurements of the location needed to be covered with Christmas lights and length of strands of Christmas lights you will buy. For example, your measurement is fifty feet and each strand of Christmas lights measures 10 feet, then you need five strands of Christmas lights.

It is also advisable to use shorter strands of Christmas lights so that you can easily replace them if one strand gets broken.

Decide the type of Christmas Lights you need.

To easily determine the sort of Christmas lights, you should know the objective of your Christmas light. Will you be hanging them outside your home? Are you planning to to install indoor Christmas lights together with your Christmas tree?

As soon as you know your purpose then check out the features of Christmas lights which include bulbs, strand type and plug style.

- Bulbs: The bulbs may be in various sizes, shapes and color. You have to determine your Christmas holiday theme so that you can choose Christmas lights that match your other decors. Then, decide on the number of bulbs you like because Christmas lights vary in the number of bulbs per strand. Look in the pack and you would see the number of bulbs included in the Christmas lights.

You additionally have to check the wattage of every bulb because the illumination of your decoration will depend upon the wattage and number of bulbs you will make use of. Moreover, bulbs have completely different lightning effect. Some bulbs could have a steady glow whereas others blink in different ways. So pick the Christmas lights with the bulb that you would love.

- Strand type: The strand of Christmas lights could either have serial or parallel wires. In a serial wiring, all bulb won't light up if one of them is damaged. Therefore, it's best to have Christmas lights that has parallel wiring so that even when one of the bulb is broken, all other bulbs would still light up.

- Plug style: Choose an end to end style of plug if you're planning to use several strands of Christmas lights. This would let you quickly join all strands of lights together. But when your decorations will only require one strand of Christmas lights, then the plug style will not be that essential.

Do a comparison shopping

It is always advisable to do comparison shopping to get the best deal for your favourite Christmas lights. Go to the shopping stores that sell Christmas lights in your own area. You can also watch out for sales on these stores. One other way is doing online shopping.

You can be a smart buyer for Christmas lights by just following these tips. Thus, you can start lighting up your home using your favourite Christmas lights during holiday season.