
De MobileCells

The advent of internet has completely changed the way the hotel industry runs its business. The tourists or travelers will be the major income source of the hotels. Because of this the hotels have started to utilze the internet technology in providing the round' the clock service to its clients in form of reservation through hotel bookingsystem. Presently most hotels world wide employ this kind of hotel reservation system.

Prior to internet, writing letter, or inquiring through a telephone or taking services of an agent were the mode of earning a hotels book. It absolutely was a time consuming affair. But in today's scenario, the option of rooms, information about type of accommodation available, special discounts offered, special packages as well as other important info could be common on the pc screen, by clicking the button. The website of the hotel allows for direct experience of the customer care to inquire and clear about certain conditions before booking the room. Further this facility allows visitors to cancel his / her booking by using their hotels booking cancellation policy without making any advance deposit.